Turkish Economy Talks – Prof. Dr. Gamze Yücesan Özdemir

Zoom + Youtube


Turkish Economy Talks, organized by Kadir Has University Department of Economics, hosts Prof. Dr. Gamze Yücesan Özdemir from Ankara University on Thursday, March 10 at 6 pm.

Prof. Özdemir’s speech titled “Class Landscapes from My Country: Employment and Unemployment” can be followed on Zoom and broadcast live on the KHAS Youtube channel. 

The event will be in Turkish.

Online | Zoom & KHAS Youtube Channel
Zoom ID: 853 6574 5531
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85365745531
Youtube: https://youtu.be/di9ZLmp2PN8

Assoc. Prof. Didem Kılıçkıran to be the Guest of Public Online Colloquium

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