Molecular Biology and Genetics Seminars: Prof. Devrim Gözüaçık
27 Ekim 2022
12:30 - 13:30
KHAS Cibali Campus B-211
Prof. Devrim Gu00f6zu00fcau00e7u0131k, MD PhDfrom Kou00e7 University School of Medicine will be the next guest of the seminar series organized by KHAS Molecular Biology and Genetics Department with his speech u201cAutophagy and Canceru201du00a0on Thursday, October 27 at 12:30 in B-211.u00a0
About the Speaker: Professor Devrim Gozuacik obtained his MD degree from Hacettepe School of Medicine. He received his MS degree of Biochemistry from Ecole Polytechnique and Paris-Sud University and his PhD degree of cancer cell biology from Pasteur Institute and Necker Children’s Hospital Research Center in Paris. Then, he moved to the Weizmann Institute of Science for his postdoctoral studies on cancer-cell death connections.
After a 14 years academic career in Sabanci University, he was appointed as a Research Professor in Koc University School of Medicine and in Koc University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM). Prof. Gozuacik also serves as Board Member of the International Cell Death Society, as the Associate Editor of the Autophagy journal, and as an Affiliate Member and an Advisory Board Member of the NIH-supported AIM Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in the University of New Mexico, USA. He is the author of >100 publications that received >12.000 citations. Prof. Gozuacik received several scientific awards, including EMBO-SDIG Award, TGC Sedat Simavi Award, Tu00dcBA-GEBIP Award, IKU Onder Oztunali Award and Elginkan Technology Award.
Dr Gozuacik’s research focuses on the study of basic autophagy signaling in mammalian cells and autophagy abnormalities in human diseases, especially in cancer.