KHAS Business Seminar – Prof. Dr. Justin Paul
Prof. Dr. Justin Paul (Chief Editor, International Journal of Consumer Studies; Professor at the University of Puerto Rico/USA and the University of Reading/UK) will be the guest of the seminar organized by KHAS Business Administration Department on November 13.
Prof. Paul’s talk “Publishing in High Impact Journals: Path, Process, Pattern, Potential and Problems” will be followed at Cibali Campus Hall B-312 and on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 844 4746 9978
Şifre: 988279
About the Speaker: Dr. Justin Paul, is the Chief Editor of International Journal of Consumer Studies, a top journal with an Impact Factor 10.0. Ranked among the top 92 highly cited Professors in Business & Economics subject areas, in the world, his citations are increasing at record rate 700 per month, with an H Index 69. He holds a Ph.D in Business Administration from University of Brighton, England and another Ph.D from IIT.
A former faculty member with the University of Washington, he is a Professor of MBA and Director-Research, University of Puerto Rico, USA and is an honorary Visiting Professor- University of Reading, England. He has also served as MBA Director & AACSB Co-ordinator at Nagoya University, Japan and as Department Chair at IIM. Dr. Paul introduced the Masstige model and measure for branding, CPP Model for internationalization, SCOPE framework for small firms, 7-P Framework for International Marketing, TCCM Framework and SPAR-4-SLR for literature reviews. He holds/held honorary ‘Distinguished Vis Professor/Professor of Eminence’ titles from – Lebanese American University, IIM, MS University, Parul University & SIBM. In addition, he has taught full courses in Denmark, France, Lithuania, Poland & serves/ed as keynote speaker at 100s of conferences incl UVSQ -France, KSMS-Korea, Polish academy & often in India. He was a visiting professor at University of Chicago, Vienna University of Eco and Bus- Austria, Fudan & UIBE-China, UAB- Barcelona and Madrid. He has published three best selling case studies with Ivey & Harvard. An author of books such as Business Environment, International Marketing, Services Marketing, Export-Import Management Management of Banking & Financial Services by McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press & Pearson respectively. He is/was an Associate Editor with Journal of Business Research, European Management Review, & Euro Mgmt Journal.
An author of over 180 articles in SSCI journals, he has over 75 papers in A or A star journals of ABDC list. He has visited over 70 countries as a public speaker. He transformed IJCS as a journal with 2300 submissions in 2023 from 575 in 2019.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.pr/citations?user=QONdoqoAAAAJ&hl=en
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Paul_(scholar)
Website: drjustinpaul.com
University of PR: http://justinpaul.uprrp.edu