KHAS Psychology Department Colloquium Series – Assoc. Prof. Gaye Soley
KHAS Psychology Department Colloquium Series host Assoc. Prof. Gaye Soley (Department of Psychology, Boğaziçi University) on Friday, December 16 between 10:30-12:00 at B-409 for her speech titled “How Children Learn to Navigate the Complex Social World.”
Abstract: Research from developmental science reveals that the foundations of social divisions appear remarkably early and with potent ramifications. The mechanisms of these divisions, however, are subject to considerable debate. In this talk, I will present recent findings from three research lines that address different aspects of the broad question of how children make sense of their social environment to guide their interactions with other individuals. The first line of research focuses on the social significance of cultural common ground: namely the role of shared values, experiences, and knowledge in guiding children’s social preferences and inferences. The second line explores the role of different socialization processes such as social learning and enculturation in shaping children’s social group conceptions and intergroup attitudes. Finally, the third line focuses on the developmental origins and explores the emergence of social biases and their implications in infancy.