Social Consciousness Unchained “How Can CSOs Address Today’s Challenges” – 2 July 2020
Date: Thursday, 2 July 2020
Time: 18:00 to 19:00 (GMT +3)
Location: Live on ZOOM and CIES FACEBOOK PAGE
In this Webinar, the idea was to focus on CSO strategies both at national and international levels in terms of their priorities in the post-Covid19 era. What should their focus be? How can they enhance their sustainability? What is their responsibility in managing the social consciousness that is, in part, expressed in terms of anger? What practical, impactful strategies do they need to implement?
The Webinar was part of the “Social Consciousness Unchained” project that was launched in May 2020. This initiative is meant to explore and debate how society can and has changed as a result of the COVID19 pandemic. The idea is to explore whether a new type of social consciousness has been emerging where different societal actors (CSOs, businesses, academia, regional and local administrations) interact with each other to contribute via debate and/or action to the new normal that the pandemic has forced upon us. In fact, the existing SDG framework with its actions, targets, and priorities provides a point of reference which could reinforce some of the debates and trends that have been emerging since the pandemic has become part of our lives.
The Webinar on “How Can CSOs Address Today’s Challenges” took place as a virtual event Zoom on Thursday, 2 July at 18:00 to 19:00 (GMT +3). You may also watch it live on the CIES Facebook page.
- Cristina Rigman, Secretary General, ChildPact – The Regional Coalition for Child Protection, Turda
- Aspasia Kakari, Head of Communications, Policy, & Campaigns, ActionAid Hellas, Athens
- Serdar Dinler, President, Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey (CSR Turkey), Ankara
- Dimitrios Triantaphyllou, Director, CIES, Kadir Has University (Moderator)