Yeşil_İz Conferences-13: Begüm Aydın
1 Aralık 2022
12:30 -
Yeşil_İz Climate Crisis and European Green Deal Monitoring Center, established under the scope of a TÜBİTAK project called “European Green Deal: Threats and Opportunities for Turkey, Internationally Extensive and Dynamic General Balance Analysis,” continues an event series.
The guests of Yeşil_İz Conferences will be Begüm Aydın (Boğaziçi University) on Thursday, December 1 between 12:30-14:00. The conference titled “Smart & Sustainable Cities” will be followed on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 822 7613 8317
Yeşil_İz Conferences is co-organized by Kadir Has University Yeşil_İz Platform and Sustainable Economics and Finance Association (SEFİA).