Yeşil_İz Conferences-1: Dr. Alparslan Bayraktar
Yeşil_İz Climate Crisis and European Green Deal Monitoring Center, established under the scope of a TÜBİTAK project called “European Green Deal: Threats and Opportunities for Turkey, Internationally Extensive and Dynamic General Balance Analysis,” launched a new event series.
The first guest of Yeşil_İz Conferences will be Dr. Alparslan Bayraktar, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources. You can follow Dr. Bayraktar’s speech titled “Energy Transformation in the World and Turkey in Line with the Net Zero Target” on Thursday, March 3, between 17:00-18:30 on Zoom.
The event will be in Turkish.
Zoom Meeting ID: 82038452697
Yeşil_İz Conferences is co-organized by Kadir Has University Yeşil_İz Platform and Sustainable Economics and Finance Association (SEFİA).