FENS Seminars – Asst. Prof. Umair Ahmed Korai
Asst. Prof. Umair Ahmed Korai (Mehran University of Engineering and Technology) will be the first guest of KHAS Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences seminar series in the 2023-24 Academic Year with his speech “Free Space Optical Communication – A Possible Application for 5G and Beyond” on Friday, October 6 at 4 PM at B-212. The event is open to anyone interested.
Abstract: Various researchers are working towards the innovation for 5G networks and beyond. Currently a critical issue with the 5G and beyond networks is demand for high data rates and massive connectivity. Researchers are exploring the technologies for meeting the high data rates requirements and one of the possible break-through technology is the free space optics (FSO). Due to enormous advantages, including high carrier frequency/bandwidth, unlicensed spectrum domain, FSO communication can be used to develop ultrafast data links for a variety of 5G and beyond applications. The performance of FSO links is highly dependable on weather conditions. This talk presents the application for FSO communication for 5G and beyond networks and lists the effects of weather on FSO links.
About the Speaker: Umair Ahmed Korai Baloch (Senior Member, IEEE) received the bachelor’s and master’s degree in telecommunication engineering and telecommunication engineering and management from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Jamshoro, Pakistan, in 2012 and 2015, respectively. In October 2016, he was awarded fully funded prestigious scholarship from Commonwealth Scholarship Commission to pursue PhD degree in optical communication from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. He completed his PhD degree in January 2020. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, MUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan. He has authored for many contributions to reputed international conferences and scientific journals. His current research interests include electromagnetic wave propagation through the atmosphere, both at radio and optical frequencies, photonic integrated circuits (PIC), silicon photonics, and nonlinear optical communication. He worked with different Erasmus Mundus (EM) projects in MUET, Jamshoro i.e., Strong-ties, EM INTACT, EM LEADERS and EM CAPRIO and awarded two-month EM-Intact staff mobility scholarship to perform research exchange visit at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He serves as a reviewer for various scientific journals (such as IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Springer Wireless Personal Communication). He is a life-time member of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and professional member of IEEE and few of its societies, i.e., ComSoc, Photonics, and Industrial Electronics Society.