FENS Seminars – Zülal İşler Ardıç
Zülal İşler Ardıç (Kadir Has University) will be the next guest of KHAS Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences seminar series with her speech “Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Systems for Growing Industrial Parks” on Friday, October 13 at 2 PM on Zoom. The event is open to anyone interested.
Zoom ID: 882 8651 5469
Password: 026074
Abstract: Wastewater treatment is one of the crucial functions of industrial parks as wastewater from industrial facilities usually contains toxic compounds that can cause damage to the environment. To control their environmental loads, industrial parks make investment decisions for wastewater treatment plants. For this, they need to consider technical and economic factors as well as future growth projections as substantial construction and operational costs of wastewater treatment plants have to be shared by all companies in an industrial park. In this paper, we consider the long-term capacity planning problem for wastewater treatment facilities of a stochastically growing industrial park. By explicitly modeling randomness in the arrival of new tenants and their random wastewater discharges, our model calculates the future mean and variance of wastewater flow in the industrial park. Mean and variance are used in a Mixed Integer Programming Model to optimize wastewater treatment plant selection over a long planning horizon (30 years). By fitting our first model to empirical data from an industrial park in Turkey, we find that considering the variance of wastewater load is critical for long-term planning. Also, we quantify the economic significance of lowering wastewater discharges which can be achieved by water recycling or interplant water exchange.
About the Speaker: Zülal İşler Ardıç received her BS degree in Industrial Engineering at Kadir Has University in 2019 as a double major student. She participated in a Tubitak 1001 project called “Development of Mathematical Models for the Optimum Utilization of 3D Printers in Spare Parts Inventory Management in Existence of Supply Chain Risks” in 2019 and she received her MS degree in Industrial Engineering at Kadir Has University in 2022. Her thesis mainly focused on demand classification selection of spare parts supply chain in the presence of three-dimensional printers. Her research interests include supply chain management, stochastics modeling, and optimization. She is currently a Ph.D. student in Industrial Engineering at Kadir Has University and she works as a data analyst at Ceva Logistics.