KHAS Economics Webinars – Astrid Kunze


Astrid Kunze is a Professor of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics and a Research Fellow at IZA and CESifo. Her main research interests are labor economics and applied micro-econometrics. She is particularly interested in the causal effects of public policies on labor market behavior. Kunze has conducted studies on the evaluation of parental leave policies, child care programs, cash-for care policies, and gender quotas on boards. Another area of her research covers aspects of organizations and diversity in the firm. In her empirical research, she uses extensive register data applying micro-econometric methods. Her work has been published in prominent journals in Economics, and she is also a contributor tou00a0the Handbook on Women and the Economyu00a0published with Oxford University Press in 2018.

Day and Time: 05.05.2021 (Wednesday), 17.00 (u0130stanbul)
Title: Labor in the Boardroom, Gender Quota and Gender Diversityu00a0
Zoom Link:

KHAS Finance Webinars – Prof. Dr. Doğan Tırtıroğlu

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