KHAS Finance Webinars – Assoc. Prof. Cumhur Ekinci


The guest of the Finance Webinars series organized by Kadir Has University International Trade and Finance Department is Assoc. Prof. Cumhur Ekinci from Istanbul Technical University. 

We present algorithmic trading (AT) and high-frequency trading (HFT) activities that shape the trading environment worldwide in the last two decades. For this purpose, we show specific examples on data and describe different methods developed for measuring AT and HFT activity. Then, we show the extent of this activity in Borsa Istanbul before and after the technological upgrade of the trading system, called BISTECH. Finally, on an empirical analysis, we show the effects of HFT on liquidity provision, volatility and returns in the case of Borsa Istanbul.

About the speaker

Cumhur Ekinci is an associate professor of finance at Istanbul Technical University (ITU). He holds a BA in Economics from Bogazici U, a master’s degree in Money, Finance and Banking from Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne U and and a PhD in Business from Aix-Marseille III U. He worked as research assistant and instructor at Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) in Paris. He has been teaching about financial markets, investment, corporate finance and accounting in various programs at ITU, Boğaziçi U, CNAM, Aix-Marseille U, ENPC Engineering School and INSEEC Business School. His research mainly includes topics in market microstructure (market liquidity, intradaily patterns, limit order book, market desing, trading infrastructure and technology), behavioral finance (herding, disposition effect and home bias), sentiment and risk measurement. He has also been consulting companies at Arı Teknokent.

The webinar will be in English.

Date: October 12, 2021 (Tuesday), 17.00    
Title: High-Frequency Trading and Its Effects on Turkish Equity Market
Zoom Meeting ID: 868 0311 1827
Zoom Link:

KHAS Economics – Contemporary Debates: Prof. Dr. Barry Eichengreen

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