Public Online Colloquium #41: Prof. Dr. Helen Donis-Keller
In the 41st event of KHAS Public Colloquium series, our guest will be Prof. Dr. Helen Donis-Keller, Michael E. Moody Professor & Professor of Biology and Art, Olin College with her speech titled “Intersections of Art, Biology, Engineering, and Education” on Wednesday, December 22 at 4:00 pm (GMT+3).
Abstract: Art and biology are often considered entirely different worlds inhabited by practitioners who have nothing in common. Likewise, some do not recognize the importance of these disciplines in engineering education. Dr. Donis-Keller will show that art, biology, and engineering share important linkages, especially in the education of future engineers who must function in an increasingly complex world that calls upon an understanding far beyond the technical aspects of engineering. Each field shares a deep commitment to the discovery process and boundaries between them are often crossed. She will provide examples of her work in biology and art and draw from examples of other practitioners that span boundaries in unique and interesting ways. She will illustrate how these intersections are explored by students in her course, The Intersection of Biology, Art, and Technology (IBAT) and provide a preview of her new course, Biomes, Climate Change, and Biodiversity (BCB) that also crosses boundaries between art, biology, and engineering.
Bio: As an artist and scientist for her entire adult life, Dr. Helen Donis-Keller observes, investigates, and interprets the natural world, which inspires a desire to facilitate access to biological principles through visual art. Dr. Donis-Keller has held leadership positions in the biotechnology industry and in academic science. She was Director of the Human Genetics Department at Collaborative Research, Inc. where she led the research group that developed the first genetic linkage map of the human genome. Later she was Professor of Surgery and Director of the Division of Human Molecular Genetics at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO. While in St. Louis her research group worked on refinements of the linkage map and in identifying the locations of numerous genes which, when mutated, lead to heritable disorders. Her art is mainly photo-based, and it traverses the natural world from the molecular level to the biosphere demonstrating an appreciation for the beauty of the natural world, the complexity of life, and the importance of mitigating the effects of climate change. At Olin College Dr. Donis-Keller teaches undergraduate courses in biology and in art that encourage active learning using a project-based approach. For example, her course called The Intersection of Biology, Art, and Technology (IBAT) demonstrates how these subjects are inextricably linked. A new course to be offered in spring of 2022 is entitled Biomes, Climate Change and Biodiversity (BCB). Also see Dr. Donis-Keller’s website, HelenDonis-Keller.com.
Dr. Donis-Keller received a B.Sc. in natural science and an Honours B.Sc. in biology from Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada, a Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and an MFA in studio art from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and Tufts University in Medford, MA. She was also awarded a Doctor of Science Degree (Honoris Causa) from Lakehead University.
“Intersections of Art, Biology, Engineering, and Education”
Prof. Dr. Helen Donis-Keller
December 22, 2021, Wednesday at 4:00 pm (GMT+3)
Zoom Meeting ID: 829 5447 7354
Live on KHAS Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/POXFpDQ2LoY